Coaching and Business Development for IT companies
Hornbachstrasse 50, 8034 Zürich
Telefon: 044 384 84 14, Telefax: 044 384 84 00
Mobiltelefon: 079 421 05 09
www.wecare.ch |
Coaching, Business Development and Implementation for solutions based on new Information Technologies
| 2001 |
| Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH)
| 550 866 |
| Deutsch, English |
| Ganze Schweiz, Westeuropa |
Unsere wichtigsten Marktleistungen |
According to your strategic needs, wecare will assemble a package with some of the following components:
- Leadership in troubled waters
- Build a team that will go the extra mile
- Test your Business Case with reality
- Win the technology battle
Business Development
Beyond and above the well known marketing plans, today's consumers will choose partners which understand their inner beliefs and jointly develop
solutions with their customers.
wecare helps you to develop a relationship with your customers based on trust and mutual interests.
Deliverables which will result of the work with wecare:
- Valid Business Cases
- New market segments
- Activity plans for the Sales people
- Knowledge Management platform
After the definition of the strategy and the identification of mutual interests with the customers, it is important to implement solutions which enable the co-operation with your clients, internally and externally.
wecare supports you with its broad network of talents to develop solutions using leading edge technology. Solutions can combine
components like:
- Content Management and Knowledge Management
- Content Syndication
- Customer Relationship Management
- Video Streaming
- Text-to-Speech
- Voice over IP
- Bots and Avatars
Innovationskraft in der Entwicklung neuer Lösungen und Produkte Massgeschneiderte Kundenlösungen Herausragend bezüglich Fachkompetenz und Beratung
Führendes Finanz-Informations-Portal der Schweiz
Kontaktperson: Georg Hess,
Data Mining und Knowledge Discovery Applications
Kontaktperson: Bernhard Kunz,
buk@kdlabs.com Day Software AG
Führendes Unternehmen für Content Management Software
Kontaktperson: Michael Unterschweiger,
kdlabs AG delivers services and develops applications in the areas of Knowledge Discovery (KD), Knowledge Discovery Application (KDA) and Data Mining.
Kontaktperson: Laurence Jacobs, ljk@kdlabs.com
Moneycab ist das bedeutendste unabhängige Finanzinformations-Portal der Schweiz.
Kontaktperson: Markus Gisler, markus.gisler@moneycab.com
dipl. Oekonom Helmuth Fuchs, CEO,
helmuth.fuchs@wecare.ch wecare
Hornbachstrasse 50, 8034 Zürich
Telefon: 044 384 84 14, Telefax: 044 384 84 00
Mobiltelefon: 079 421 05 09
Eintrag erstellt: 30.11.2001 Letzte Änderung: 15.10.2002